Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

This year the Christmas season seemed to just fly by. As wonderful as it was there were several things I didn't get around to. One of those was my tradition of making "Papa Cookies" (a.k.a. ginger snaps). So I decided to make them today with Marcee... maybe it will be our New Year tradition from now on. It was just as much fun as I remembered and I even had a little extra help...

And when they came out they looked so tempting....

So I had to give in and let her taste test one.... Papa would have!

We even put them in the same jar as Papa did when we were little! What a way to start the new year!


  1. Wouldn't Papa be pleased knowing Marcee had already received her first lesson on making ginger snaps! The aroma brought back so many wonderful memories! Keep the tradition going!

  2. Love the blog! I know Marcee loved the gingersnaps. Wouldn't Papa be proud.
